Thompson Library Visioning Study
An Architectural Assessment, Program and Visioning Study for the Future of the Library
TYPOLOGY: WORKPLACE/Institutional/Higher Education
CLIENT: Vassar College
LOCATION: Poughkeepsie, NY
SIZE: 110,000sf
COLLABORATORS: Brightspot Strategies
STATUS: Fundraising
SERVICES: Building Assessment, Programming, Visioning
DBA provided building assessment, programming, and visioning services to identify future opportunities and make recommendations for supportive growth and expansion of the Thompson Library at Vassar College. Our vision focused on opportunities for improving access to the library for all students, increasing the number of collaborative spaces to enhance interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary learning, and supporting diversity, equity, and inclusion for all students at Vassar. The report identified several expansion options, each with its own cost and construction requirements, so that Vassar College could make informed decisions about the development of their most important building asset.